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Re: SV 2k14
Posted by: mikro May,05.2014-09:04 

Havoc, actually I can't understand your point of view as well, and yes, it looks like you watch way too much conspiracy videos on youtube.

I'd like to remind you that you don't always behave up to the pattern you'd like to see from Grey -- remember 2006? You (or someone from the organizers group) had announced there wont be any Outline that year so we got that crazy idea of organizing the Noise party. And guess what had happened barely couple of months before the party? You decided to organize Outline, one (or two?) months later, announcing it literally weeks before our party. I don't remember you asking us whether it wouldn't be a problem or coordinate any steps with us.

Having said all of that, I don't complain about the final result (it was a great party), I'm enjoying visiting both Outline and Silly Venture (although not as often as I'd wish) but reading accusation like that... really, mate, it sounds ridiculous.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
SV 2k14 bob_er/mec Mar,12.2014-12:38
  Re: SV 2k14 s_t_s Mar,12.2014-14:48
    Re: SV 2k14 Laurent / Thadoss Mar,12.2014-22:34
      Re: SV 2k14 mkm/lamers May,01.2014-00:05
        Re: SV 2k14 gwEm May,02.2014-09:57
          Re: SV 2k14 s_t_s May,02.2014-10:41
            Re: SV 2k14 Grey / MSB May,02.2014-15:46
    Re: SV 2k14 havoc May,03.2014-10:23
      Re: SV 2k14 Grey May,03.2014-10:48
        Re: SV 2k14 havoc May,03.2014-11:34
          Drama, oh noes! CiH May,03.2014-12:02
            Re: Drama, oh noes! havoc May,03.2014-12:35
      Re: SV 2k14 Grey May,03.2014-11:26
        Re: SV 2k14 havoc May,03.2014-11:52
          Re: SV 2k14 Grey May,03.2014-12:18
            Re: SV 2k14 havoc May,03.2014-12:43
              Re: SV 2k14 Grey May,03.2014-13:01
                Re: SV 2k14 havoc May,03.2014-13:29
                  Re: SV 2k14 Grey May,03.2014-13:38
                    Re: SV 2k14 havoc May,03.2014-13:58
                  Re: SV 2k14 atarian May,03.2014-13:55
                    Re: SV 2k14 havoc May,03.2014-13:59
                      Re: SV 2k14 atarian May,03.2014-15:02
                        Re: SV 2k14 havoc May,03.2014-15:19
                        Re: SV 2k14 Grey May,03.2014-15:48
                          Re: SV 2k14 Grey May,03.2014-16:02
                            Re: SV 2k14 Ukko May,03.2014-16:28
                            Re: SV 2k14 havoc May,03.2014-17:32
                          Re: SV 2k14 havoc May,03.2014-16:57
                            Re: SV 2k14 Torsten May,04.2014-12:11
                              Re: SV 2k14 havoc May,04.2014-16:14
        Re: SV 2k14 havoc May,04.2014-14:59
          Re: SV 2k14 Grey May,04.2014-20:42
            Re: SV 2k14 havoc May,05.2014-01:09
              Re: SV 2k14 mikro May,05.2014-09:04
                Re: SV 2k14 havoc May,05.2014-11:13
                  Re: SV 2k14 Grey May,05.2014-12:21
                    Re: SV 2k14 havoc May,05.2014-13:16
                      Re: SV 2k14 Grey May,05.2014-19:53
                        Re: SV 2k14 havoc May,06.2014-00:10
                          Re: SV 2k14 Grey May,06.2014-02:04
                    Re: SV 2k14 s_t_s May,06.2014-10:02
                      Re: SV 2k14 bob_er/mec May,06.2014-14:14
                        Re: SV 2k14 Grey May,06.2014-15:25
                          Re: SV 2k14 s_t_s May,06.2014-17:05
                            Re: SV 2k14 Grey May,06.2014-17:17
                              Re: SV 2k14 s_t_s May,08.2014-15:32
                                Re: SV 2k14 baah May,13.2014-21:27
                                  Re: SV 2k14 Grey May,14.2014-08:31
                                    Re: SV 2k14 gwEm/PHF May,14.2014-09:02
                                      Re: SV 2k14 Felice May,16.2014-21:43
                                        Re: SV 2k14 Grey May,18.2014-18:41

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