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Re: Multi Palette File format
Posted by: zerkman Oct,11.2012-16:57 

thanks for reporting this.

I don't understand what you are saying about the 4-pixel shift in bmp2mpp. I just consider the (0,0) pixel starts at the first bit of the pixel data. I actually never noticed there was a need for starting at the 4th bit (from the left).

to compile mpp2bmp you need mpp2bmp.c and pixbuf.c. So the command line is :

gcc mpp2bmp.c pixbuf.c -o mpp2bmp-osx

btw, you'll get much faster executables when using the -O2 gcc switch.


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Topic Posted by  Date 
Multi Palette File format zerkman Oct,09.2012-00:58
  Re: Multi Palette File format Jace Oct,09.2012-06:15
  Re: Multi Palette File format ggn Oct,09.2012-19:54
  Re: Multi Palette File format evil Oct,10.2012-16:55
    Re: Multi Palette File format zerkman Oct,10.2012-21:53
      Re: Multi Palette File format baah Oct,10.2012-23:07
        Re: Multi Palette File format Jace Oct,11.2012-08:58
        Re: Multi Palette File format nativ Oct,11.2012-20:33
          Re: Multi Palette File format Cyg Oct,12.2012-13:12
            Re: Multi Palette File format nativ Oct,12.2012-15:08
            Re: Multi Palette File format zerkman Oct,13.2012-09:00
      Re: Multi Palette File format evil Oct,11.2012-15:29
        Re: Multi Palette File format zerkman Oct,11.2012-16:57
          Re: Multi Palette File format evil Oct,11.2012-18:41
            Re: Multi Palette File format s_t_s Oct,14.2012-15:58
  Re: Multi Palette File format Petari Dec,07.2012-15:40

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