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Re: DSP cycles
Posted by: Sallafranque Feb,24.2010-13:43 

Ok, I give you an example :

I lauch hatari with graoumpf tracker.

I then press "AltGR + Pause" keys to activate the debugger.

Then, I use the dd command (DSP disasemble code in P memory from current PC"

I get :

DSP disasm 299-2a1:
0299: 228f0d (02 cyc) cmp a,b r4,b
029a: 0eb299 (06 cyc) jmi p:0x0299
029b: 64f400 000c60 (04 cyc) move #0x000c60,r4
029d: 44f400 000300 (04 cyc) move #0x000300,x0
029f: 440800 (02 cyc) move x0,x:0x0008
02a0: 0c02a3 (06 cyc) jmp p:0x02a3
DSP disasm 2a1-2a9:
02a1: 0a0f20 (04 cyc) bset #0,x:0x000f
02a2: 0c029b (06 cyc) jmp p:0x029b
02a3: 0a0fa0 0002b4 (08 cyc) jset #0,x:0x000f,p:0x02b4
02a5: 578900 (02 cyc) move x:0x0009,b
02a6: 20003a (02 cyc) asl b
02a7: 20003a (02 cyc) asl b
02a8: 568e00 (02 cyc) move x:0x000e,a

DSP cycles are displayed for every instruction.

I would like to verify them (if I didn't do a mistake in my code).

The best would be to compile some DSP code which would display the cycles.

Else, if I could get some examples, I would write them back to hatari and test them in disasm mode.

Is it clearer like this ?

Thanks for the help,


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Topic Posted by  Date 
DSP cycles Sallafranque Feb,23.2010-00:56
  Re: DSP cycles mikro Feb,23.2010-12:40
    Re: DSP cycles Sallafranque Feb,24.2010-02:49
      Re: DSP cycles Sallafranque Feb,24.2010-02:49
        Re: DSP cycles mikro Feb,24.2010-11:50
          Re: DSP cycles Sallafranque Feb,24.2010-13:43
            Re: DSP cycles Chuck/Dune Feb,24.2010-13:56
              Re: DSP cycles Sallafranque Feb,24.2010-14:06
            Re: DSP cycles mikro Feb,25.2010-00:54
              Re: DSP cycles Sallafranque Feb,25.2010-14:14
                Re: DSP cycles mikro Feb,25.2010-18:10
                  Re: DSP cycles Patrice Mandin Feb,25.2010-19:38
                    Re: DSP cycles Sallafranque Feb,27.2010-11:13

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