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Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid
Posted by: Johan Klockars May,27.2006-19:36 

> Since nobody on the Aranym mailing list thought there was anything weird there, including Francois, I kinda accepted that's how it is.

Well, I certainly said that I thought it was strange. ;-)
And I did mention that perhaps you were not used to the way TeraDesk redraws its windows (which at least used to be far from optimal).

> But I downloaded the current and ran again.

I just did that too.

Nothing strange with that on my old Athlon. Quite speedy even without JIT as long as you use the SDL or OpenGL native side drawing. And actually not bad at all in 8 bit Videl mode either with the fVDI bitplane driver, as long as you do use JIT (drops to about one tenth of the speed without it).

> FVDI.SYS have "debug debug debug" commented out.

No problem there then.

> Worth to mention that in videl mode, the machine feels about as quick as my Falcon060.

How did you test Videl mode? With the fVDI driver or what?

Anyway, just to get some meaningful numbers for the discussion at hand (fVDI with a graphics card on real 68k hardware), I ran some tests on my AB040/fVDI/RageII in 16 bit mode.

Obviously, a CT60 is a significantly faster CPU than the '040, and the very sever limitation of having to go over the Falcon bus to the graphics card will not be there with the CTPCI (nor with a SuperVidel, of course). Also, the RageII is a positively ancient graphics card.

For comparison, the Kronos numbers (included with the program) for a 100 MHz CT60 with 25 MHz Falcon bus in 8 bit mode running NVDI, and for a Hades060 in 16 bit (unknown VDI, but probably not NVDI considering the GTEXT numbers).

Also some numbers from ARAnyM/fVDI at the end. You may or may not believe the timings are correct with Kronos under ARAnyM, but in OpenGL mode it's definitely significantly faster than my AB040/RageII.

The order, from left to right for each line of scores is:
ARAnyM(no JIT)/fVDI/8bitVidel

934 980 1600 149 227 2655 3429
3333 4200 8020 469 1629 12345 9366
6467 1464 2831 2212 823 8574 17644
3070 4118 7761 483 1370 10746 8657
937 879 1607 138 231 2490 3349
306 98 96 33 43 482 1226
395 114 123 38 45 574 1346
2248 1460 2247 1264 445 6021 11901
19723 1413 10468 5510 673 9441 62147
755 182 200 56 69 968 2436
1233 990 466 1154 187 2609 7104
2240 494 628 973 221 3270 1969
5428 661 2642 4024 489 5787 26444

Unless you're doing something strange with your Atari, the only numbers that are really relevant are the ones for BAR, PLINE (and possibly FILLAREA if you're doing vector graphics), GTEXT and BLITTING.

For further performance comparisons, I'll try to make something available on my web site soon.

If anyone has any ideas for tests (any VDI vector graphics demos anywhere, for example?), let me know.

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+ & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVidel raphael May,21.2006-21:38
  Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid evil May,21.2006-21:56
    Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid Crash May,22.2006-12:23
      Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid evil May,22.2006-17:51
    Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid Strider May,22.2006-16:20
      Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid earx May,22.2006-16:53
      Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid evil May,22.2006-17:49
        Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid CiH May,22.2006-18:20
    Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid Johan Klockars May,23.2006-00:20
      Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid vlg May,23.2006-11:51
        Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid Peter May,23.2006-12:42
          Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid Johan Klockars May,24.2006-00:22
        Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid Johan Klockars May,24.2006-00:15
      Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid evil May,23.2006-15:00
        Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid Johan Klockars May,23.2006-23:53
          Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid evil May,24.2006-13:27
            Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid Johan Klockars May,24.2006-14:59
              Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid evil May,24.2006-16:19
                Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid evil May,24.2006-19:41
                  Aranym Mac CiH May,24.2006-21:26
                    Re: Aranym Mac Coda May,29.2006-09:53
                  Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid Johan Klockars May,25.2006-00:06
                    Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid evil May,26.2006-18:05
                      Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid Johan Klockars May,27.2006-19:36
                        Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid Johan Klockars May,27.2006-19:56
                Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid Johan Klockars May,25.2006-14:29
    Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid hencox May,30.2006-00:08
      Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid kas1e Jun,02.2006-09:26
        Re: + & - CT60 PCI vs SuperVid kas1e Jun,02.2006-09:30

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