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Re: GCC 3.3.6 available.
Posted by: Zorro Jan,15.2006-00:18 

Sorry, it's not a RPM :/

but you need only to decompress the archive in you ext2 partition and after, to do something like this:

CC="/usr/local/bin/gcc" ./configure ...bla..

with the configure script.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
GCC 3.3.6 available. Zorro Jan,15.2006-00:13
  Re: GCC 3.3.6 available. Zorro Jan,15.2006-00:18
    Re: GCC 3.3.6 available. Saulot Jan,15.2006-16:36
      Re: GCC 3.3.6 available. Zorro Jan,16.2006-09:54
        Re: GCC 3.3.6 available. piku Feb,20.2006-16:02
    Re: GCC 3.3.6 available. Peter Jan,15.2006-20:48
  Re: GCC 3.3.6 available. Adam Klobukowski Jan,16.2006-08:47
    Re: GCC 3.3.6 available. Zorro Jan,16.2006-09:46
      Re: GCC 3.3.6 available. Adam Klobukowski Jan,16.2006-19:10
        Re: GCC 3.3.6 available. Zorro Jan,16.2006-20:00
          Re: GCC 3.3.6 available. mikro Jan,17.2006-12:15
            Re: GCC 3.3.6 available. Zorro Jan,17.2006-13:10
              Re: GCC 3.3.6 available. mikro Jan,18.2006-10:12
                Re: GCC 3.3.6 available. Patrice Mandin Jan,19.2006-22:33
                  Re: GCC 3.3.6 available. piku Jan,20.2006-07:22

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