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Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60
Posted by: NervE Dec,12.2003-11:13 

Ok, i tried to explain this in an earlier post. A stick of 133/CL3 _MAY_ work, but there is no guarantee... Different stick manufacturers use different chips, and sometimes they overspec, other times they go for the cheapest... If you buy cheap non-brand ram, dont expect to get anything extra. I reccomend TwinMOS and Kingston. Other brands probably work aswell, but dont buy the "generic" sticks... These are a gamble, as they can feature any kind of chips. (Notice, the chip manufacturers are usually not the same as the stick manufacturers!)
But why not just buy CL2 sticks right away? Doesnt cost much more and you are guaranteed it will work... If you can find them, PC100/CL2 should be quite cheap by now, as this is "oldschool" in the PC world already...


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Topic Posted by  Date 
SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 Philipp Donzé Dec,11.2003-17:40
  Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 evil Dec,11.2003-21:54
    Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 MiKRO Dec,12.2003-10:12
      Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 NervE Dec,12.2003-11:13
        Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 NervE Dec,12.2003-11:16
          Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 Philipp Donzé Dec,12.2003-11:41
      Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 Philipp Donzé Dec,12.2003-11:39
        Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 MiKRO Dec,12.2003-12:02
          Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 Philipp Donzé Dec,13.2003-12:22
            Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 MiKRO Dec,14.2003-00:02
              Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 Philipp Donzé Dec,14.2003-02:00
                Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 Didier Méquignon Dec,14.2003-11:44
                  Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 Philipp Donzé Dec,15.2003-12:45
                    Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 Didier Méquignon Dec,15.2003-18:15
                      Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 Philipp Donzé Dec,16.2003-12:59
                        Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 Anonyme Dec,16.2003-17:15
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      Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 evil Dec,12.2003-17:36
        Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 stimpy Dec,12.2003-20:17
          Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 Carbon Dec,16.2003-18:59
        Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 MiKRO Dec,12.2003-21:28
          Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 NervE Dec,15.2003-12:05
            Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 evil Dec,15.2003-15:59
              Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 NervE Dec,16.2003-12:02
          Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 evil Dec,15.2003-16:01
        Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 SWE Dec,13.2003-08:34
          Re: SDRAM and 100 MHz CT60 hencox Dec,15.2003-09:50

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