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Re: Dual Boot CT60
Posted by: SWE Jan,01.2006-13:49 

Hm, not sure where can be found on inet. Its not supported anymore. Good thing with Xboot is that u can also specify 3 different INF files for each set (newdesk.inf, mint.cnf etc..), so apart from basic OS sets (mint, magic, tos) u can also have flavours of OS sets (by using diferent mint.cnf for example)...


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Topic Posted by  Date 
Dual Boot CT60 DylanSOB Jan,01.2006-04:15
  Re: Dual Boot CT60 SWE Jan,01.2006-11:18
    Re: Dual Boot CT60 DylanSOB Jan,01.2006-13:26
      Re: Dual Boot CT60 SWE Jan,01.2006-13:49
      Re: Dual Boot CT60 SWE Jan,01.2006-14:07
        Re: Dual Boot CT60 SWE Jan,01.2006-14:08
          Re: Dual Boot CT60 Uli Jan,01.2006-16:20
            Re: Dual Boot CT60 SWE Jan,01.2006-18:14
  Re: Dual Boot CT60 JoeAtari Jan,02.2006-07:15
    Re: Dual Boot CT60 mikro Jan,02.2006-14:31
    Re: Dual Boot CT60 DylanSOB Jan,02.2006-17:29
  Re: Dual Boot CT60 krupkaj Jan,04.2006-19:28
    Re: Dual Boot CT60 Uli Jan,06.2006-12:43

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