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Re: moved: why c2p ?
Posted by: creature Aug,19.2003-15:19 

looking at your answer, it maybe was a dunb qustion? :)

I just 8Bit planes EQU 256 colors. I am not so familiar with the bitplanes stuff, but i think that makes sense.

I thought it is slow to copy from fastRAM to chipRAM. So i calculated:
320*200*2*50 = 6.1Mb/s transfers speed needed. AFAIR that is near to the speed the 060 can copy the date to chipRAM.
So you need one VBL just to copy the screen where with the 8Bitplanes you need 1/2 VBL or so.

Creature XL

please don't shoot me for messing with things I am not up to :-)

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Topic Posted by  Date 
moved: why c2p ? evil Aug,15.2003-21:33
  Re: moved: why c2p ? MiKRO Aug,15.2003-22:13
    Re: moved: why c2p ? evil Aug,15.2003-23:16
    Re: moved: why c2p ? Anonymous Aug,15.2003-23:16
  Re: moved: why c2p ? Peter Aug,15.2003-23:21
    Re: moved: why c2p ? evil Aug,16.2003-01:15
      Re: moved: why c2p ? earx Aug,19.2003-09:03
  Re: moved: why c2p ? creature Aug,18.2003-21:08
    Re: moved: why c2p ? deez Aug,19.2003-10:20
      Re: moved: why c2p ? creature Aug,19.2003-15:19
    Re: moved: why c2p ? earx Aug,19.2003-11:55

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