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Re: moved: why c2p ?
Posted by: evil Aug,16.2003-01:15 

Not really, kalms routine is probably quite near "perfect" and it does everything the hard way with shuffeling and reordering bits. 68060 rather do that than dig in memory tables.

The movep c2p on ST is based on a table and 2 pixel wide chunky pixels..

I also tested Rays 1x1 c2p for 8 planes and a 1Mb table; it was alot slower than the table-free kalms routine.

Anders Eriksson

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Topic Posted by  Date 
moved: why c2p ? evil Aug,15.2003-21:33
  Re: moved: why c2p ? MiKRO Aug,15.2003-22:13
    Re: moved: why c2p ? evil Aug,15.2003-23:16
    Re: moved: why c2p ? Anonymous Aug,15.2003-23:16
  Re: moved: why c2p ? Peter Aug,15.2003-23:21
    Re: moved: why c2p ? evil Aug,16.2003-01:15
      Re: moved: why c2p ? earx Aug,19.2003-09:03
  Re: moved: why c2p ? creature Aug,18.2003-21:08
    Re: moved: why c2p ? deez Aug,19.2003-10:20
      Re: moved: why c2p ? creature Aug,19.2003-15:19
    Re: moved: why c2p ? earx Aug,19.2003-11:55

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