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Re: problem w CT6x's
Posted by: Paul Sep,06.2016-06:48 

Hi there, i had same issue with my CT60 a few years back, my problem was it was overclocked i brought the frequency back down and it worked fine. ALso i have heard this is also cause by a short circuit on CT60. Use a good magnifying glass with good illumination light and look at solder joints all over the CT60, you may have a loose solder joint or a short circuit, i would would first check your frequency setting's and lower it down and recheck, if same problem i would inspect all of CT60 solder joints, and even the Interface Bus on falcon for loose or shorted traces and solder joints. goods luck

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Topic Posted by  Date 
problem w CT6x's piotr_kni May,01.2016-21:36
  Re: problem w CT6x's David G May,03.2016-10:11
    Re: problem w CT6x's piotr_kni May,03.2016-10:40
    Re: problem w CT6x's piotr_kni May,03.2016-10:57
      Re: problem w CT6x's evil May,04.2016-17:38
        Re: problem w CT6x's piotr_kni May,04.2016-23:26
  Re: problem w CT6x's mikro May,09.2016-07:27
    Re: problem w CT6x's piotr_kni May,14.2016-20:50
  Re: problem w CT6x's insane Jun,02.2016-15:24
    Re: problem w CT6x's Beetle Jun,07.2016-20:08
  Re: problem w CT6x's Paul Sep,06.2016-06:48

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