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Re: problem w CT6x's
Posted by: Beetle Jun,07.2016-20:08 

I have seen several ct6x with and without that resistor. It would be needed to
reprogram ABE/SDR from the Falcon's Printer port _without_unplugging_the_ct6x_ in 030 mode with a cable described at Rodolphes site.

If you unplug the ct6x from the Falcon board to program with flash060.prg, reprogram from PC or do not program ABE/SDR and just want to operate the computer, you can safely remove a resistor soldered to one or between two of the buffer ICs.

On my system, adding that resistor (i got mine without) did not affect stability of the machine at all, though.

Give it a try and post back your results.


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Topic Posted by  Date 
problem w CT6x's piotr_kni May,01.2016-21:36
  Re: problem w CT6x's David G May,03.2016-10:11
    Re: problem w CT6x's piotr_kni May,03.2016-10:40
    Re: problem w CT6x's piotr_kni May,03.2016-10:57
      Re: problem w CT6x's evil May,04.2016-17:38
        Re: problem w CT6x's piotr_kni May,04.2016-23:26
  Re: problem w CT6x's mikro May,09.2016-07:27
    Re: problem w CT6x's piotr_kni May,14.2016-20:50
  Re: problem w CT6x's insane Jun,02.2016-15:24
    Re: problem w CT6x's Beetle Jun,07.2016-20:08
  Re: problem w CT6x's Paul Sep,06.2016-06:48

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