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Re: Alice's Mom's Rescue CT60/Fire
Posted by: evil Dec,04.2015-18:43 


I've now tested the update. The game seems to run about 0.5 times as fast as the Jaguar version. So from 2x to 0.5x :)

I'm thinking, wouldn't it be more clever to have the game play speed relative to framerate especially when the framerate can differ a lot.

Now my flatscreen TV to the Falcon is acting up as well, goes to sleepmode each 60 seconds, argh! Anything to make the game harder :)

Anders Eriksson

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Alice's Mom's Rescue CT60/Fire Orion_ Dec,02.2015-21:01
  Re: Alice's Mom's Rescue CT60/Fire mikro Dec,03.2015-09:08
  Re: Alice's Mom's Rescue CT60/Fire evil Dec,03.2015-19:59
    Re: Alice's Mom's Rescue CT60/Fire Orion_ Dec,04.2015-11:32
      Re: Alice's Mom's Rescue CT60/Fire evil Dec,04.2015-18:13
    Re: Alice's Mom's Rescue CT60/Fire Orion_ Dec,04.2015-14:46
      Re: Alice's Mom's Rescue CT60/Fire evil Dec,04.2015-18:43
        Re: Alice's Mom's Rescue CT60/Fire Orion_ Dec,13.2015-06:40

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