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Selecting video modes
Posted by: Patrice Mandin Jun,27.2004-20:36 

You have the '-cachepal' option that can be used in 16bits modes to precalculate all the palette changes, but according to some people that tested it, it is still too slow to be usable. So I think I can remove it.

For the video modes, run Doom with '-listmodes' to list all available video modes. Then rerun it with '-videomode <n>', replacing <n> with the number of the video mode that suits you.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
DOOM and sound MacFalcon Jun,25.2004-19:30
  Re: DOOM and sound Xerus Jun,26.2004-04:44
    Problem still remains MacFalcon Jun,26.2004-18:55
      8 or 16 bits rendering Patrice Mandin Jun,27.2004-12:28
        Re: 8 or 16 bits rendering MacFalcon Jun,27.2004-20:25
          Selecting video modes Patrice Mandin Jun,27.2004-20:36
            Re: Selecting video modes MacFalcon Jun,27.2004-21:03
            Re: Selecting video modes MacFalcon Jun,27.2004-21:06

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