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Re: mxPlay is back!
Posted by: 505 Feb,21.2013-18:51 

Wow, this is a nice surprise and I feel urged to comment! I tried the first version of mxplay back in the days when it got released, looking forward to the fancy gui designs but it crashed. So, I happily sticked to Gemplay, which worked pretty well on unexpanded Falcons and also does still today. Btw, a new version was in the testing state, but is on ice since a good while, obviously.

However, although I wont personally profit from the 060 features of the new mxplay, I am happy that finally the day has come when a Falcon (and even firebee) is able to properly replays XMs, S3M, IT etc - esp. as the song library is virtually endless. Previous attempts on playing e.g. XMs were mostly limited to simple tracks with little number of channels and effects, the probably most advanced but never released XM replay was done by Sqward (once there was a leaked preview;)

Included ASAP rocks, too - JAM replay was nice, but had its troubles on some tunes (crashes/silence). However, great work Mikro, indeed a best-practise example of open source development and also really entertaining documentation text! :)

Checking the xmp-features (that coincidence in project names is a real miracle btw), I wonder if adding ice/Noisepacker depacking routines is a good idea or included in mxplay already (could come handy for many Atari modules (many are ice packed, I think).

Now, after all, don't forget to play the Turrican II modules!

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Topic Posted by  Date 
mxPlay is back! mikro Feb,20.2013-22:30
  Re: mxPlay is back! Xerus Feb,21.2013-00:57
    Re: mxPlay is back! CiH Feb,24.2013-23:08
  Re: mxPlay is back! ggn Feb,21.2013-09:40
    Re: mxPlay is back! 505 Feb,21.2013-18:51
      Re: mxPlay is back! mikro Feb,22.2013-12:42
  Re: mxPlay is back! Orion_ Feb,26.2013-20:23
    Re: mxPlay is back! mikro Feb,27.2013-09:47
      Re: mxPlay is back! Vido Feb,27.2013-23:23
        Re: mxPlay is back! mikro Feb,28.2013-09:58
          Re: mxPlay is back! Vido Feb,28.2013-10:10
            Re: mxPlay is back! JFL Mar,01.2013-00:26
              Re: MP3 is here and much more! Mathias Mar,07.2013-21:24
                Re: MP3 is here and much more! mikro Mar,07.2013-23:08
                  Re: MP3 is here and much more! Mathias Mar,07.2013-23:49
                    Re: MP3 is here and much more! mikro Mar,09.2013-14:11
                      Re: MP3 is here and much more! Vido Mar,10.2013-15:40
                        Re: MP3 is here and much more! mikro Mar,10.2013-21:33
          Re: mxPlay is back! Vido Mar,02.2013-21:04
  Re: mxPlay is back! Templeton Mar,01.2013-02:35

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