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Re: Boot v2.02 - can't write to hd
Posted by: Ektus Nov,03.2012-18:40 

I've found an e-mail from Didier from june where he states that the version I've got (tosbeta11 from june 23rd, 2012) has a SCSIDRV imolementation for IDE with disabled write function. So if that function is used, writing is impossible.


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Topic Posted by  Date 
Boot v2.02 - can't write to hd wongck Oct,28.2012-16:15
  Re: Boot v2.02 - can't write to hd wongck Oct,28.2012-16:18
  Re: Boot v2.02 - can't write to hd wongck Oct,29.2012-13:35
  Update - partially working wongck Oct,29.2012-15:30
  Update 2 wongck Oct,29.2012-16:31
  Re: Boot v2.02 - can't write to hd alanh Oct,29.2012-20:19
    Re: Boot v2.02 - can't write to hd wongck Oct,30.2012-01:15
  Re: Boot v2.02 - more findings wongck Oct,30.2012-01:30
  update 3 wongck Oct,30.2012-15:18
  Re: Boot v2.02 - can't write to hd Ektus Nov,03.2012-18:40
  Re: Boot v2.02 - can't write to hd wongck Nov,04.2012-03:08

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