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Re: Boot v2.02 - more findings
Posted by: wongck Oct,30.2012-01:30 

It seems that when the Falcon 1st booted, it does not find any hd.
After either a warm or cold reboot, it will find them.
Luckily this beta firmware run VGA Bios extremely fast, may be 3x faster.
So another reboot is still faster than the previous v2.01.

This happens regardless of hddriver or scsi-tool.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Boot v2.02 - can't write to hd wongck Oct,28.2012-16:15
  Re: Boot v2.02 - can't write to hd wongck Oct,28.2012-16:18
  Re: Boot v2.02 - can't write to hd wongck Oct,29.2012-13:35
  Update - partially working wongck Oct,29.2012-15:30
  Update 2 wongck Oct,29.2012-16:31
  Re: Boot v2.02 - can't write to hd alanh Oct,29.2012-20:19
    Re: Boot v2.02 - can't write to hd wongck Oct,30.2012-01:15
  Re: Boot v2.02 - more findings wongck Oct,30.2012-01:30
  update 3 wongck Oct,30.2012-15:18
  Re: Boot v2.02 - can't write to hd Ektus Nov,03.2012-18:40
  Re: Boot v2.02 - can't write to hd wongck Nov,04.2012-03:08

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