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CT60 and related things BBS
how about this?
Posted by: wongck Sep,04.2012-01:17 

Looks like your 060 crashed before it can even display the logo.

How about this procedure:
1. boot in 030 mode
2. run CTCONF.CPX to set speed to 66MHz (or lowest).
3. Then toggle back to 060 without powering off.
4. Hit hardware reset.

This should set the speed to lowest on the boot.
Subsequent reboots may not boot in correct speed if not saved.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
CT60 2.0x :-( alanh Sep,03.2012-21:32
  Re: CT60 2.0x :-( JoeAtari Sep,03.2012-22:18
    how about this? wongck Sep,04.2012-01:17
      Re: how about this? alanh Sep,04.2012-10:59
        Re: how about this? Didier Mequignon Sep,04.2012-13:04
          Re: how about this? alanh Sep,06.2012-13:08
            Re: how about this? alanh Sep,06.2012-13:16
              Re: how about this? alanh Sep,06.2012-13:17
        Re: how about this? wongck Sep,04.2012-13:54
          Re: how about this? FDR1980 Sep,09.2012-12:15

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