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CT60 2.0x :-(
Posted by: alanh Sep,03.2012-21:32 

So, I thought I'd have another attempt at trying 2.01 on my CT60. Nothing, Black screen and no boot.

Fallback to 1.04 and all is well again.

I know Didier said that now the CT60 boots up at the CTCM rate, rather than slow and fast after some initial period. I'm not sure whether this is the cause or not, but why do this if it is causing problems. Was the older (more stable) way causing problems for future patches ?

If it's not this, then I'm still at a loss why I'm hitting this, and I know others suffer too.

Has anyone got to the bottom of 2.0x not booting on CT60's ?

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Topic Posted by  Date 
CT60 2.0x :-( alanh Sep,03.2012-21:32
  Re: CT60 2.0x :-( JoeAtari Sep,03.2012-22:18
    how about this? wongck Sep,04.2012-01:17
      Re: how about this? alanh Sep,04.2012-10:59
        Re: how about this? Didier Mequignon Sep,04.2012-13:04
          Re: how about this? alanh Sep,06.2012-13:08
            Re: how about this? alanh Sep,06.2012-13:16
              Re: how about this? alanh Sep,06.2012-13:17
        Re: how about this? wongck Sep,04.2012-13:54
          Re: how about this? FDR1980 Sep,09.2012-12:15

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