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Re: Quake 1.03
Posted by: Ektus Aug,08.2011-19:26 

Hi Mikro,

as I wrote before: 1.02 runs just fine, when started from MagiC or MiNT on the CTPCI the graphics card remains unaltered, and the game output is on the Videl. With 1.03, both graphics card and videl show garbage, the output still being on the videl. I've got a monitor with two inputs, so I can easily switch between those. Anyway, there's got to be some change from 1.02 to 1.03 that broke CTPCI compatibility.

With best regards

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Quake 1.03 mikro Jul,20.2011-21:57
  Re: Quake 1.03 CiH Jul,21.2011-00:23
    Re: Quake 1.03 grey Jul,21.2011-13:10
  Re: Quake 1.03 jury Jul,21.2011-17:54
    Re: Quake 1.03 mac-falcon Jul,29.2011-09:34
  Re: Quake 1.03 Ektus Aug,07.2011-09:29
    Re: Quake 1.03 as... Aug,08.2011-09:47
    Re: Quake 1.03 mikro Aug,08.2011-11:02
      Re: Quake 1.03 Ektus Aug,08.2011-19:26
        Re: Quake 1.03 mikro Aug,09.2011-09:35
          Re: Quake 1.03 Ektus Aug,09.2011-21:26
            Re: Quake 1.03 PeP Aug,10.2011-07:57
              Re: Quake 1.03 saulot Aug,10.2011-15:34
                Re: Quake 1.03 PeP Aug,10.2011-23:36
                  Re: Quake 1.03 PeP Aug,10.2011-23:47
    Re: Quake 1.03 saulot Aug,08.2011-14:46

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