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Radeon works, almost
Posted by: FatRakoon Sep,07.2010-21:50 

Wahey, at long last.

I got my CT63 and CTPCI back today.

Plugged them in, and I get the message about the PCI cards for the first time.

I decide to try the Radeon but I get a few niggles...They may or may not be an issue, but, if I have the Radeon plugged in, the Falcon screen goes garbaged if I am using the Falcons screen, but, if I am using the Radeon to display, then it boots up in what I assume is 1024x768 - however, from powering up to getting a display, I have to wait a fair while... A good 15 seconds perhaps?

Is that normal? - Easrly days, maybe a different firmware might solve that, maybe not. Its not a biggie at this time.

Ok, so I start up with Magic... It displays the TOS fixes but then fails to restart. No problem, lets try MiNT.

Does not get to the end of the Auto folder, but again, not overly concerned just yet.

So, try TOS.

NVDI, WDIALOG, COPS.ACC and some general CPX modules are all thats loaded up, but the display on the desktop is massively corrupt? WTF?

Ok, what could this be?

Well, screen corruptio is nothign new - even the ST did it when it thought it was on MED-RES and tried to display as LO and Vice Versa, this looked a little like that to be honest.

And as for Magic / MiNT - again, they might simply only need a fresh install, I dont know yet.


But what of this FVDI then?

I use NVDI, so, can anyone fill me in, on FVDI please?

Do I need it? if so, then can anyone tell me where to D/L the latest files, and how do I use it / Set it up please?

Many thanks.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Radeon works, almost FatRakoon Sep,07.2010-21:50
  Re: Radeon works, almost ggn Sep,07.2010-22:23
  Re: Radeon works, almost Patrice Mandin Sep,08.2010-08:12
    Re: Radeon works, almost Latz Sep,08.2010-10:41
      Re: Radeon works, almost Beetle Sep,08.2010-14:29
      Re: AtariForge FatRakoon Sep,15.2010-05:02
        Re: AtariForge Beetle Sep,15.2010-18:46
          Re: AtariForge FatRakoon Sep,16.2010-03:13
            Re: AtariForge Beetle Sep,18.2010-00:12
            Re: AtariForge Beetle Sep,18.2010-00:25
              Re: AtariForge FatRakoon Sep,18.2010-02:16
                Re: AtariForge Beetle Sep,18.2010-19:56
    Re: Radeon works, almost FatRakoon Sep,08.2010-21:49
      Re: Radeon works, almost Beetle Sep,09.2010-00:14
        Re: Radeon works, almost Didier Méquignon Sep,13.2010-18:42
          Re: Radeon works, almost FatRakoon Sep,15.2010-03:45

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