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Re: Exception Errors/CTPCI
Posted by: raphael Aug,03.2010-11:41 

Hi Mikro

I tested it with what Didier mentioned: " For exceptions, try to press CTRL when you see ATRI logo until you go to the desktop. If you get exceptions in theses conditions, there are an hardware problem." - So that seems to be ok.

What is XControl checking what zControl or COPS don't? - They run fine...
I've seen that when I disable everything in the Autofolder, but one program (i.d.c. Silkmouse) , after doing a soft-reset (without checking the STRAM... ) XControl shows up, but when I wan't to change the resolution of save the Desktop it hangs whilest running XControl... :-|
Can it be due to the relatively large boot-partition I've got? - 998 Mo (Need to try I guess... )


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Topic Posted by  Date 
Exception Errors/CTPCI raphael Aug,02.2010-00:25
  Re: Exception Errors/CTPCI Didier Méquignon Aug,02.2010-13:05
    Re: Exception Errors/CTPCI raphael Aug,02.2010-13:41
      Re: Exception Errors/CTPCI Didier Méquignon Aug,02.2010-17:40
        Re: Exception Errors/CTPCI raphael Aug,02.2010-21:46
          Re: Exception Errors/CTPCI mikro Aug,02.2010-22:53
            Re: Exception Errors/CTPCI raphael Aug,03.2010-11:41
              Re: Exception Errors/CTPCI Didier Méquignon Aug,03.2010-18:24
                Re: Exception Errors/CTPCI raphael Aug,03.2010-19:35
                  Re: Exception Errors/CTPCI raphael Aug,03.2010-19:36
                  Re: Exception Errors/CTPCI Didier Méquignon Aug,03.2010-20:37
                    Re: Exception Errors/CTPCI raphael Aug,03.2010-21:41
                    Re: Exception Errors/CTPCI raphael Aug,03.2010-21:42
                      Re: Exception Errors/CTPCI Méquignon Aug,04.2010-17:54
                        Re: Exception Errors/CTPCI raphael Aug,04.2010-20:14
                          Re: Exception Errors/CTPCI Didier Méquignon Aug,08.2010-09:22
                            Re: Exception Errors/CTPCI raphael Aug,08.2010-23:34
                              Re: Exception Errors/CTPCI Didier Mequignon Aug,09.2010-12:56
            Re: Exception Errors/CTPCI raphael Aug,03.2010-20:18
              Re: Exception Errors/CTPCI raphael Aug,08.2010-15:39

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