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CT60 and related things BBS
Re: ct60 bus acceleration |
Posted by: evil
If you will be getting a Supervidel and/or CT-PCI video card, there is not much that speaks for modifying the motherboard and overclocking components.
If you're not planning to get any of those, overclocking the machine will give you higher resolutions and a bit faster video redraw, also a bit faster DSP and IDE.
It's however at the cost of butchering the motherboard, possible lower compatibility in 030/16 mode (DSP stays at 50 MHz) and RGB modes can be screwed up in accelerated state as the 32 MHz video clock will be stuck at 50 MHz. Also naturally, components will have a shorter lifespan when overclocked.
And last, and probably least, if you ever want to sell your Falcon, the less butchering you've done, the more money you will get.
Common problems with overclocking include audio crackle and SCSI instability.
Anders Eriksson
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