CT60 and related things BBS
Re: NEC 24WMGX3 & Falcon |
Posted by: quackmore
In order for your multisync monitor to display RGB, you have to be able to sync it down to 15.7 horiz. scan rate.
I haven't had much luck with rezfool, probably depends on how low the programmer goes.
In my experience, every multisync monitor I've ever owned or seen which went down to 15.7 has been lower quality in the VGA modes. Lower rez, lower refresh rates, etc. When I've tried to pump them up so to speak, the flyback starts screaming at me. Sometimes even going out.
Europeans are fortunate enough to be able to use their large screens for 15.7 horiz scan rate. In the U.S. I can't since they no longer have vertical holds on TV sets to view a 50hz screen :-(
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