CT60 and related things BBS
IDE limitations and fix |
Posted by: Crash
I response to a question raised in another thread, I am interested if there is a hardware solution (on the Falcon motherboard) to the Falcon IDE cable length problem. It is good to hear that the CTPCI will fix this problem, although I assume that would not apply for non-CT60/63 compliant applications.
"The 16-bit IDE bus is from the logic chip and 56 ohms resistors are present like told in the ATA specifications (no resistors at all on falcon mb before the IDE connector !!) This means that if you use a standard IDE 80 wires cable, you will get no problems..."
"do you suggest there's some workaround for standard (on mb) IDE? is there some documentation on this subject? (where/what resistors, what exactly it fixes etc...)"
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