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ST Synclock system
Posted by: BBM/DMG Jun,12.2015-22:35 

Evening all,

I'm putting something together using the DHS Synclock Demosystem (working great thanks to Evil's makefile), but I've a question about the demopart inits.

The format for the demopart sequences is

;dc.l vbls,timer_a_delay,timer_a_div,vbl_routine,timer_a_routine,main_routine

and for each section in the examples, there's an init then a main call, like

dc.l 20,0,0,dummy,dummy,syncscrl_runtime_init
dc.l 1000,97,4,syncscrl_vbl,syncscrl_ta,syncscrl_main

I'm guessing that for the main routines, the number of VBLs is used to specify how long you want the effect to run for, but for the init routines, how do you know how many VBLs to give it? For example, the standard double-buffer example is given 10 VBLs, but the triple-buffer example is given 200 VBLs. I know this is because it has more work to do, but how do you determine the figure?


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Topic Posted by  Date 
ST Synclock system BBM/DMG Jun,12.2015-22:35
  Re: ST Synclock system MKM/Lamers Jun,13.2015-08:45
    Re: ST Synclock system evil Jun,13.2015-10:00
      Re: ST Synclock system BBM Jun,13.2015-15:20
      Re: ST Synclock system BBM Jun,13.2015-19:18
        Re: ST Synclock system evil Jun,13.2015-19:39
          Re: ST Synclock system BBM Jun,13.2015-19:45

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