Atari coding BBS
Re: Texture U/V misunderstanding |
Posted by: mikro
hi orion,
> move.l #$0001FFFF,d0 ; U = 1 V = -1
this doesn't make sense. what would you expect to load from texture coordinate -1 if your texture is 0..1 ? What you actually demonstrated is an underflow situation -- for exactly such cases democoders use tricks like putting the same textures next to each other so when an overflow/underflow occurs, code stills reads from a sane texture location and not some garbage.
btw, the innerloop you're playing with is overkill. the classic routine to map 256x256 textures is this one:
move.w d0,d6
move.b d1,d6
move.b (a0,d6.l),(a1)+
addx.l d2,d0
addx.l d3,d1
dbra d7,.loop
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