Atari coding BBS
Re: DSP A-ack. |
Posted by: mikro
Yes, it's a bug but the other way around. R:Y moves, Class I are defined as:
S1,D1 S2,Y:ea
S1,D1 Y:ea,D2
S1 = (A,B)
D1 = (X0,X1)
S2 = (Y0,Y1,A,B)
D2 = (Y0,Y1,A,B)
> mpy x0,y0,a a,x1 y:(r7),a1
So this is illegal, QASM shouldn't allow this. I guess it gets translated into 'a' but anyway, it's a no-no.
> mpy x0,y0,a a,x1 a1,y:(r7)
Here it correctly reports illegal argument (a1 instead of a).
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