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Atari coding BBS
VBL Interrupt delay
Posted by: Bod/STAX Oct,10.2012-19:40 

I've been fiddling around with some code that uses the blitter for some sprite drawing along with some timer b interrupts and once again as with my game I'm getting annoying flicker on the timer b interrupt's.

Having done some extensive tests to fix this I've now concluded that there is a delay that is causing the VBL interrupt to occour on the 5th drawn screenline instead of at the beginning of the display every vbl which is obviously why the timer b's are being screwed up.

How can I make sure the vbl is occouring when it should at the beginning of a frame redraw rather than where it is accouring part of the way down the screen?

AFAIK when you've set up an interrupt it should occour at the exact same spot each time it's executed and not have an intermittent delay occour.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
VBL Interrupt delay Bod/STAX Oct,10.2012-19:40
  Re: VBL Interrupt delay evil Oct,10.2012-20:59
    Re: VBL Interrupt delay Bod/STAX Oct,10.2012-21:29

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