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Re: Sync-Lock code on STE
Posted by: evil Jun,09.2012-21:13 

After all this time and all these discussions;

the unstable border is because you have some code that uses up too much cpu/bus so the interrupt gets delayed.

It can be;

- Blitter
- Big Movem's
- Divs
- Muls
- Floppy/hdd DMA
- Other interrupts (big ACIA's, OS Timer C etc)

Or even on STe if you trigger DMA sound the video sync can be disturbed (yes it seems strange, but the shifter is doing the DMA for PCM-sound).


- Do blitter in 64-bus cycle (256 CPU cycles!) passes like we talked about, this is one half scanline delay if it hits at a bad spot

- Avoid big movems if you can't have them at a fixed point, such as VBL, don't have them floating around in the mainloop so they can occour at the lower border removal. I think the largest movem is about 200 CPU cycles or so, so almost half a scanline there too

- Use tables for mul/div

- Set DMA sound early on VBL

- Don't load from floppy or hdd meanwhile the border is open

- Kill other interupts that you don't need, RTE them all or better yet make sure the MFP is not running them at all.

I did make an example source with which it did constant blitting all over the place, and the border was steady.

Don't know how we can help any further without seeing a simplified source example (eg no game or such, just a small routine that shows the problem).

Anders Eriksson

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Sync-Lock code on STE Bod/STAX Jun,08.2012-19:44
  Sync-Lock code on STE Mr.Styckx Jun,08.2012-23:29
    Re: Sync-Lock code on STE Bod/STAX Jun,09.2012-13:43
      Re: Sync-Lock code on STE defjam Jun,09.2012-16:21
        Re: Sync-Lock code on STE Bod/STAX Jun,09.2012-20:32
          Re: Sync-Lock code on STE evil Jun,09.2012-21:13
            Re: Sync-Lock code on STE ggn Jun,09.2012-21:49
            Re: Sync-Lock code on STE Bod/STAX Jun,09.2012-22:06
              Re: Sync-Lock code on STE nativ Jun,10.2012-01:58

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