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Re: Disabling 68030 PMMU + caches
Posted by: ggn Feb,07.2012-19:28 

Here's what we've been using for ages and works pretty nice:

lea pmmu_table(PC),A0
lea TC_access+4(PC),A1
move.l A0,(A1) ; TC_access+4
move.l A0,8(A1) ; TT0_access+4
move.l A0,16(A1) ; TT1_access+4
moveq #0,D0
DC.L $4E7B0801 ; MOVEC D0,VBR Vektorbase=0 (eigentlich Standard)

TC_access DC.L $F0394000,$DEADF030 ; PMOVE pmmu_tab,TC
TT0_access DC.L $F0390800,$DEADF030 ; PMOVE pmmu_tab,TT0
TT1_access DC.L $F0390C00,$DEADF030 ; PMOVE pmmu_tab,TT1


pmmu_table INCBIN 'E49430.BIN' ; F030 StartUp(boot) PMMU Table

This actually sets the system's PMMU in another address (Falcon's standard is $700.w), we usually set it out of harm's way. Of course, to be extra nice to the system one needs to save the old tc/tt0/tt1 addresses and restore them upon program exit.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Disabling 68030 PMMU + caches Klaz Feb,07.2012-10:55
  Re: Disabling 68030 PMMU + caches mikro Feb,07.2012-17:52
    Re: Disabling 68030 PMMU + caches Klaz Feb,07.2012-18:27
      Re: Disabling 68030 PMMU + caches ggn Feb,07.2012-19:28
        Re: Disabling 68030 PMMU + caches Klaz Feb,08.2012-09:35
          Re: Disabling 68030 PMMU + caches ggn Feb,09.2012-19:22
      Re: Disabling 68030 PMMU + caches mikro Feb,08.2012-12:08
        Re: Disabling 68030 PMMU + caches Klaz Feb,08.2012-13:44
          Re: Disabling 68030 PMMU + caches mikro Feb,08.2012-17:23
  Re: Disabling 68030 PMMU + caches Klaz Feb,09.2012-09:17
    Re: Disabling 68030 PMMU + caches sqward Feb,09.2012-16:01
      Re: Disabling 68030 PMMU + caches Klaz Feb,09.2012-16:37
      Re: Disabling 68030 PMMU + caches mikro Feb,10.2012-10:31

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