Atari coding BBS
sys calls vs direct calls |
Posted by: N00b
This is going to sound very strange for all the veterans
(and im sure its been asked before so no flames pls ;) to ASM but...
Is it preferable to use what i'd call traps/system calls or direct calls?
And does one guarantee system/TOS compatability over the other?
system call:
pea palette,-(a7)
move.w #6
trap #14
addq.l #6,a7
move.l palette,a0
movem.l (a0),d0-d7
movem.l d0-d7,$fff8240
(this is just an example, i was thinking more generally but this seems the easiest example to give so there is no mis-understanding)
It may seem spurious to the vets (no offence!) but as a newbie i really wanna learn the best way to do things like this.. i cant imagine its just a difference in bytes? Im sure there is more to it than that.
Cheers guys.. and thanks in advance
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