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Re: Blitter
Posted by: RA/pdx Mar,27.2009-18:30 

Yes, i am sure bacause i also have done something like this myself.

e.g. Blitter-Gouraud

1. Prepare all data for one Blitter line
2. Init Blitter registers
3. Copy all data from memory to registers you would need for next line
4. Let the Blitter draw one line
5. go to 3.

So steps 4 and 1 works in parallel - the CPU is calcing the next line while the Blitter is drawing the current one. For Gouraud-Shading it is a big boost.

And you can go one step further: Before the inner loop you have to "copy" all needed data to the data cache and freeze it after that. So even step 3 could be parallelised if the data fits into the cache.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Blitter quackmore Mar,25.2009-18:48
  Re: Blitter Bod/STAX Mar,25.2009-22:22
    Re: Blitter PeP Mar,26.2009-19:35
      Re: Blitter nerve Mar,26.2009-21:10
        Re: Blitter PeP Mar,26.2009-21:38
          Re: Blitter nerve Mar,26.2009-22:17
            Re: Blitter RA/pdx Mar,27.2009-14:51
              Re: Blitter nerve Mar,27.2009-17:05
                Re: Blitter RA/pdx Mar,27.2009-18:30
                  Mistake RA/pdx Mar,27.2009-18:32
                    Re: Mistake nerve Mar,28.2009-17:26
                      Re: Mistake quackmore Apr,03.2009-14:23
                        Re: Mistake quackmore Apr,03.2009-14:25
                          no RA/pdx Apr,03.2009-14:43
                            Re: no evil Apr,03.2009-15:56
                              troll gloky Apr,06.2009-14:12
                                Re: troll quackmore Apr,10.2009-08:05

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