Atari coding BBS
Re: DSP question 3 |
Posted by: mikro
i'd say yes, if you can't test it, i can do it yet (see ct60 forum, falcon is fixed/working ;-)
of course, question is what happend after these transfers (esp. on dsp side).
if you make something like that:
whost d7 ; send number of double longs
subq.w #1,d7
loop: move.l d0,(a0)
move.l d1,(a0)
dbra d7,loop
and on dsp:
rhost x0
do x0,endloop
rhost x:(r0)+
rhost x:(r0)+
the chance it's working is 99%... but if you do some other calculations on dsp... so maybe some use case would be nice before testing.
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