Atari coding BBS
ST as a MIDI-Soundexpander |
Posted by: Alex
Hi there,
I'm a musician (and have been doing some rather unknown ST-demos about 1991-93)and I would like to know if there is a program for the ST, which does about the same as a YM-chipplayer, but which is 100% steerable via the MIDI-port?
There are some musicians who use old equipment (as, for example, "Welle Erdball" does with the SID) and I was often wishing to use the ST in a similar way.
It would be perfect, if this program could even run "on its own", by just putting it into the "AUTO" folder, so it would automatically start up by switching the ST on, so you wouldn't need any monitor as long as you didn't want to edit the different sounds on itself. Using it this way, it would be neccessary to get access to the different patches (for example the "buzzer"-effect or a simple "blop") by prg-chng commandos.
If such a program doesn't exist, perhaps there is one which can be easily modified in such way, that the different commandos for playing a sound do not come from a soundfile but from the MIDI-port.
After all, does anybody know if there is such a program somewhere?
Cheers, Alex from Germany
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