Atari coding BBS
MagiCPC vs GCC compatibility |
Posted by: Peter
No, this is not yet another PeP vs. The World thing.
I need to know if there are any known incompatibilities in MagiCPC when it comes to filehandles and file IO. The code I'm working on works perfectly in TOS and FreeMINT, on any file system, but it just won't work with MagiC PC.
It's nothing tricky, I just open a file, read from it, and close it again. On MagiC PC, it either does not find the file in question, or can't read it for some reason.
I can count to no more than 3 bindings for the gemdos file I/O calls:
fopen, fclose
open, close
Fopen, Fclose
I've tried them all.
Any clues?
-- Peter
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