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Atari Forum and User Profile
Posted by: Bod/Effect Dec,07.2014-09:23 

These are probably dumb questions.

If you've got a long running account at Atari Forum is there no way to change your username?

I would of though you could as long as noone else is using the name.

I also realised that in my profile I was using my veerrryyy old redundant e-mail address and so changed it to my current one.

How long will I have to wait for a confirmation e-mail before I can log in again?

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Atari Forum and User Profile Bod/Effect Dec,07.2014-09:23
  Re: Atari Forum and User Profile Cyprian Dec,07.2014-11:27
  Re: Atari Forum and User Profile Zorro2^NoExtra Dec,07.2014-13:42
    Re: Atari Forum and User Profile Bod/Effect Dec,07.2014-23:01

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