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Atari demoscene BBS
Re: Atari ST demo tricks history
Posted by: Alien ST/CNX Sep,28.2007-20:44 

The trace-A trick was also used by OVR. I published it in my ST Mag Overscan articles, so you can get the source of an Overscan "Intergrator" there. Basically you sync and read the video counter, run the instruction using trace-A, read the video counter, subtract the 2 video counter values, and subtract the two times. You calibrate using the fact you know a nop takes 4 cycles. It works for most instructions (except those with weird paring which were slow anyway, and those with non-constant time (think mul/div)).

The MMU trick is quite amusing. I can't remember the details. But basically if you turn memory config to 0K (or something else invalid... a bit hazy here), memory is wiped -- EXCEPT crucially the lower first Kb... so run some code doing some rubbish. Nuke the MMU config but continue doing rubbish. Set up a timer to catch yourself (long before). Boom! the debugger and memory is flushed, but your timer routine can load the next sectors off disk and you're none the wiser. (as long as it fit in the first Kb). Anyway now you know why we never got around to releasing the Bless Dis Mess demo. Too much fun doing other things... (and doing homework). This was only tested on my STf, so YMMV.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Atari ST demo tricks history Shazz/MJJ Prod Sep,22.2007-14:02
  Re: Atari ST demo tricks histo havoc Sep,22.2007-14:06
    Re: Atari ST demo tricks histo Shazz/MJJ Prod Sep,22.2007-14:33
  Re: Atari ST demo tricks histo earx Sep,22.2007-18:45
    Re: Atari ST demo tricks histo Shazz/MJJ Prod Sep,24.2007-19:21
      Re: Atari ST demo tricks histo ear Sep,25.2007-16:46
  Re: Atari ST demo tricks history Alien ST/CNX Sep,26.2007-20:54
    Re: Atari ST demo tricks history ggn Sep,27.2007-12:01
      Re: Atari ST demo tricks history Alien ST/CNX Sep,28.2007-20:44
        Re: Atari ST demo tricks history Bod/STAX Oct,18.2014-13:32
    Re: Atari ST demo tricks histo Shazz/MJJ Prod Sep,28.2007-11:26
      Re: Atari ST demo tricks histo Alien ST/CNX Sep,28.2007-20:47
        Re: Atari ST demo tricks histo Shazz/MJJ Prod Oct,01.2007-15:14
          Re: Atari ST demo tricks histo Alien/ST-CNX Oct,18.2014-07:55
    Re: Atari ST demo tricks histo earx Sep,28.2007-14:30
      Re: Atari ST demo tricks histo Shazz/MJJ Prod Oct,01.2007-15:18
        Re: Atari ST demo tricks histo corbo Oct,05.2007-20:57
          Re: Atari ST demo tricks histo Shazz/MJJ Prod Oct,06.2007-16:01
            Re: Atari ST demo tricks histo Chuck / Dune Oct,06.2007-23:00
              Re: Atari ST demo tricks histo corbo Oct,15.2007-14:41
            Re: Atari ST demo tricks histo corbo Oct,15.2007-14:39

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