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Demoscene  Coding  CT60  Buy/sell

CT60 and related things BBS
Posted by: Beetle Mar,20.2010-02:06 

They look indeed all like the right ones for CTPCI.

I'd probably look for a Radeon with an 128 Bit wide memory interface. That has possibly the biggest impact on performance (Blitting - dragging of windows under MiNT).
The number and version of Pixelshaders is not that important for us Atarians.


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Topic Posted by  Date 
CTPCI VGA Card Crash Mar,20.2010-01:25
  Re: CTPCI VGA Card Beetle Mar,20.2010-02:06
    Re: CTPCI VGA Card Crash Mar,23.2010-00:20
      Re: CTPCI VGA Card Crash Mar,23.2010-00:41
        Re: CTPCI VGA Card Beetle Mar,23.2010-04:33
          Re: CTPCI VGA Card Crash Mar,23.2010-23:58
            Re: CTPCI VGA Card Ektus Mar,24.2010-21:18
              Re: CTPCI VGA Card Beetle Mar,25.2010-02:00
                Re: CTPCI VGA Card Ektus Mar,25.2010-07:45
                  Re: CTPCI VGA Card Ektus Mar,25.2010-20:20
              Re: CTPCI VGA Card Didier Méquignon Mar,25.2010-13:45
                Re: CTPCI VGA Card PeP Mar,25.2010-15:32
                  Re: CTPCI VGA Card Didier Mequignon Mar,25.2010-20:04
                    Re: CTPCI VGA Card Didier Méquignon Mar,25.2010-20:05
                      Re: CTPCI VGA Card Crash Mar,27.2010-01:04
                        Re: CTPCI VGA Card Didier Mequignon Mar,27.2010-11:51
                          Re: CTPCI VGA Card Crash Mar,31.2010-23:41

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