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Atari coding BBS
move16 bug ?
Posted by: Orion_ Jan,28.2015-18:32 

I'm trying to optimize a copy routine using move16 but I get random bugs, it seems that sometimes not all the data are copied.

Example, this routine works:

move.l (a0)+,d1 ; *indexRef++
lsl.l #5,d1 ; *32 (C3D_Triangle struct size)
lea (a1,d1.l),a3 ; inTlist[*indexRef++]
move.l (a3)+,(a2)+
move.l (a3)+,(a2)+
move.l (a3)+,(a2)+
move.l (a3)+,(a2)+
move.l (a3)+,(a2)+
move.l (a3)+,(a2)+
move.l (a3)+,(a2)+
move.l (a3)+,(a2)+
subq.l #1,d0 ; n--;
bne.s .loop ; while (n);

But If I use this one, it seems that some data are not copied. (a3/a2 buffer are malloced, so it should be aligned correctly)

move.l (a0)+,d1 ; *indexRef++
lsl.l #5,d1 ; *32 (C3D_Triangle struct size)
lea (a1,d1.l),a3 ; inTlist[*indexRef++]
move16 (a3)+,(a2)+ ; *outTlist++ = inTlist[*indexRef++];
subq.l #1,d0 ; n--;
move16 (a3)+,(a2)+
bne.s .loop ; while (n);

(I tried to put the subq in between the move16, but it doesn't help)
any guess ?

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Topic Posted by  Date 
move16 bug ? Orion_ Jan,28.2015-18:32
  Re: move16 bug ? dml Jan,28.2015-20:18
    Re: move16 bug ? ggn Jan,28.2015-20:50
      Re: move16 bug ? PeP Jan,29.2015-19:04
        Re: move16 bug ? Orion_ Jan,31.2015-13:40

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