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Re: Is there a way to contact TAT
Posted by: Sallafranque Jul,14.2011-09:39 

Hi and thanks,

OK, here is what I trace in Hatari from Build in Obsolescence.

Note: DSP trace in hatari contains : the dsp PC | the 1 or 2 word opcode instruction | () the number of cycles for the instruction | the instruction itself

First, the bootstrap sequence, which seems OK.

Then the DSP starts :

p:0000 0c0040 (04 cyc) jmp p:$0040
p:0040 0500b9 (02 cyc) movec #$00,sr
p:0041 08f4be 000000 (06 cyc) movep #$000000,x:$fffe
p:0043 08f4bf 000c00 (06 cyc) movep #$000c00,x:$ffff
p:0045 08f4a0 000001 (06 cyc) movep #$000001,x:$ffe0
p:0047 08f4a8 000004 (06 cyc) movep #$000004,x:$ffe8
p:0049 0000ba (02 cyc) andi #$00,omr
p:004a 0c004a (04 cyc) jmp p:$004a

On 68030 Side (while dsp loops by jumping at address $4a) there's an interrupt sent to the DSP:

MOVE.B #$80,$ffffa200
MOVE.B #$8f,$ffffa201

On DSP side, the interrupt is immediatly seem and taken into account :

p:001e 0af080 00004b (06 cyc) jmp p:$004b
p:004b 0444bd (02 cyc) movec ssl,x0
p:004c 04c4b9 (02 cyc) movec x0,sr
p:004d 05f420 ffffff (04 cyc) movec #$ffffff,m0
p:004f 0450bb (02 cyc) movec sp,r0
p:0050 000000 (02 cyc) nop
p:0051 045010 (04 cyc) lua (r0)-,r0
p:0052 000000 (02 cyc) nop
Dsp: Stack Overflow
p:0053 04d0bb (02 cyc) movec r0,sp
p:0054 0bf080 00007d (06 cyc) jsr p:$007d

Here, 68030 verifies that the interrupt is aknoledge by the DSP

BTST.B #$0007,$ffffa201

At the same time, DSP continues to execute instructions

p:007d 0aa980 00007d (06 cyc) jclr #0,x:$ffe9,p:$007d
p:0002 000000 (02 cyc) nop
p:0003 000000 (02 cyc) nop
p:007d 0aa980 00007d (06 cyc) jclr #0,x:$ffe9,p:$007d

Looping on DSP instruction at PC = $007d
(Note here the jump to address 2 and 3 because of the stack overflow interrupt)

While DSP runs in a loop waiting datas from PORTB, 68030 does the following :

BNE.W #$fff8 == $000A0066 (F)
MV2SR.W (A7)+
LEA.L $000a01fa,A0
JSR.L $0009ff50
BT .W #$0018 == $0009FF6A (T)
MVSR2.W -(A7)
BSR.W #$0050 == $0009FFBE
MOVE.B #$8f,$ffffa201

This immediatly generates a second interrupt to the DSP

p:001e 0af080 00004b (06 cyc) jmp p:$004b
p:004b 0444bd (02 cyc) movec ssl,x0
p:004c 04c4b9 (02 cyc) movec x0,sr
p:004d 05f420 ffffff (04 cyc) movec #$ffffff,m0
p:004f 0450bb (02 cyc) movec sp,r0
p:0050 000000 (02 cyc) nop
p:0051 045010 (04 cyc) lua (r0)-,r0

Here, 68030 tests is DSP has acknoledged the interrupt:
BTST.B #$0007,$ffffa201

and dsp code continues (we're in the strange code here)

p:0052 000000 (02 cyc) nop
p:0053 04d0bb (02 cyc) movec r0,sp
Dsp: Stack Overflow
p:0054 0bf080 00007d (06 cyc) jsr p:$007d
p:007d 0aa980 00007d (06 cyc) jclr #0,x:$ffe9,p:$007d
Looping on DSP instruction at PC = $007d
p:0002 000000 (02 cyc) nop
p:0003 000000 (02 cyc) nop
p:007d 0aa980 00007d (06 cyc) jclr #0,x:$ffe9,p:$007d

Looping on DSP instruction at PC = $007d
Again, the normal jump to addr 2 and 3 (I don't know if there should be a second stack overflow, but it doesn't seems to be the problem anyway).

While DSP loops waiting a data on the PortB, 68030 does :

BNE.W #$fff8 == $0009FFC4 (F)
MV2SR.W #$2300
LEA.L $ffffa200,A1
MOVE.L #$00000000,D0
MOVE.B (A0)+,D0
BMI.B #$00000032 == $0009FFB0 (F)
BSR.B #$00000034 == $0009FFB4
BTST.B #$0001,$ffffa202
BEQ.B #$fffffffffffffff8 == $0009FFB4 (F)
MOVE.L D0,(A1, $0004) == $ffffa204

Here, a data is sent to the DSP PortB, so, DSP takes it :

Dsp: (Host->DSP): Direct Transfer 0x000050
Dsp: (Host->DSP): Dsp HRDF set

p:007f 00000c (04 cyc) rts
p:0000 0c0040 (04 cyc) jmp p:$0040
p:0040 0500b9 (02 cyc) movec #$00,sr
p:0041 08f4be 000000 (06 cyc) movep #$000000,x:$fffe
p:0043 08f4bf 000c00 (06 cyc) movep #$000c00,x:$ffff
p:0045 08f4a0 000001 (06 cyc) movep #$000001,x:$ffe0
cpu video_cyc= 94772 284@186 : 0009FF84 3218 MOVE.W (A0)+,D1
p:0047 08f4a8 000004 (06 cyc) movep #$000004,x:$ffe8
p:0049 0000ba (02 cyc) andi #$00,omr
p:004a 0c004a (04 cyc) jmp p:$004a

And finally, as we had a stack overflow, pc address was lost, and at the RTS, PC jumps to address0, and loops forever at address $4a.

I don't understand why this strange code after an interrupt call : movec $ffff into the stack pointer.

I've already tried to keep the address written at stack pointer 0
: the demo runs. But that's not the way a DSP works, and I want correct emulation.

Thanks for you comments on this code



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Topic Posted by  Date 
Is there a way to contact TAT Sallafranque Jul,12.2011-23:38
  Re: Is there a way to contact TAT sqward Jul,13.2011-01:51
    Re: Is there a way to contact TAT Sallafranque Jul,14.2011-09:39
      Re: Is there a way to contact TAT Sallafranque Jul,17.2011-19:07
      Re: Is there a way to contact TAT sqward Jul,17.2011-21:52
  Re: Is there a way to contact TAT calimero Jul,18.2011-04:14
  Re: Is there a way to contact TAT Shazz Jul,18.2011-17:54
    Re: Is there a way to contact TAT Sallafranque Jul,19.2011-23:26
    Re: Is there a way to contact TAT Sallafranque Jul,19.2011-23:57
    Re: Is there a way to contact TAT Sallafranque Jul,20.2011-00:02
      Re: Is there a way to contact TAT calimero Jul,20.2011-10:29
  Re: Is there a way to contact TAT blind io Jul,25.2011-13:20

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