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Frenchie The Froggie by The Overlanders (1993)

Frenchie The Froggie by The Overlanders
Megademo:Froggies Over The Fence
Playtime8min 48sec
TypeAtari ST demoscreen (1993)
Capture sourceHatari 1.7.0
PicDBGraphics from this prod in PicDB
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Ben / OVR (2009-02-15)Report as spam/crap
Hi to all Atari (old) Boyz.

One of my favorite demo for sure.


evil (2009-02-15)Report as spam/crap
Agreed :-) The zooming scroller is just amazing, I have no idea how you guys pulled that off!

vlg (2009-03-01)Report as spam/crap
Froggies :) It absolutely rocks!

Jess / OVR (2013-07-15)Report as spam/crap
This has not aged at all ^^ ...unlike their creators ^^

Jess / OVR (2013-07-15)Report as spam/crap
This has not aged at all ^^ ...unlike their creators ^^

baah (2014-07-22)Report as spam/crap
OMG, this fullscreen 3d part! O_o
I just can\'t get used to it! Everything in this demo rocks!

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