| 1989-??Sprite Record Preview by The Carebears | Approx 120 sprites This remained unreleased for almost 30 years, but popped up in a compilation disk in 2017. |
 | 1989-12So Watt by The Carebears | 134 sprites The first 16x16 record screen, asking the rest of the scene to beat it. |
 | 1990-04Delirious Demo 2 by Overlanders | 136 sprites Overlanders have a go at it as well, but cheating by having a 14 line sprite. |
 | 1990-08Overdrive by Ghost | 143 sprites Ghost responds back in the Overdrive demo with a magazine-style mockery to TCB. |
 | 1991-03Digicomposer intro by Istari | 148 sprites Il Professore of Istari surprisingly slapped together a record-breaking intro to his soundtracker called Digicomposer. The sprite is optimized so most of it is one bitplane only. |
 | 1992-05O-Demo Sprites by Oxygene | 206 sprites Leonards first try to break the record. Using a clever clearing method that doesn't allow for a background image. The 16x16 part starts about halfway into the video. |
 | 1993-??A New Gfa Basic World Record (Plucked Goose demo) by Oxygene | 38 sprites Leonard breaks the record for 16x16 sprites in GFA Basic as well. |
 | 1993-??16x16 Sprite Record by Sector One | 270 sprites Total devastation by Sector One. 270! Of course, not following the "rules" that was later set up. Probably using the movem.l clearing method as well as a sprite with mostly 1 bitplane and mirror possible. |
 | 2000-12Nostalgic-O-Demo Sprites by Oxygene | 165 sprites Leonards second attempt, now with a 2-bitplane background. |
 | 2001-08Optimize night and day by Oxygene | 197 sprites Leonard is at it again. |
 | 2002-05Optimize to death by Oxygene | 212 sprites Leonard still going at it. Needs 1 MB memory (TCB's original works on 512k). |
 | 2002-0716x16 Sprite record! by Spiceboys | 270 sprites Spiceboys presents a new technique, which in theory can do any number of sprites, as long as the big majority are placed in the center part of the screen. Needs 1MB memory, so not really competing with TCB that works on 512k. |
 | 2002-09Definitive revenge by Oxygene | 220 sprites Leonard refuses to give up. Here's a solid 220 sprite version on 512k ! On 1 MB machines, it will show 271 sprites. |
 | 2002-11Sprite record by Gwen | 360 sprites 50 frames of delta packed animation, nice and quick depack code, but limited runtime. |
 | 2004-08Contest screen by Oxygene | 268 sprites Leonard puts up a competition for coders to beat his previous record of 220 sprites. Some rules apply such as 512k memory, the same TCB waveform, 2 bitplane background, SOS music. Leonards screen for the contest was locked by a password until somebody broke his old 220 record. The password is 'LEONARD REALLY LOVES RC4'. |
 | 2004-09Limited by Paulo Simoes | 2000 sprites Paulo kills all records there are. 2000 sprites, and even masked 3 bitplane ones. Of course it's a cheat (unlimited sprite s via screen cycling). |
 | 2004-10Phantom screen 1 by Phantom | 250 sprites Phantoms first entry for the compo. It was not within the rules of the competition. |
 | 2004-11Phantom screen 2 by Phantom | 221 sprites Phantom returns with a 221 sprite screen that follow the rules of the compo. Leonards old record is beaten! |
 | 2004-11238 sprites by Unlimited Matricks | 238 sprites The second screen that beat Leonards old 220 record. After this screen was released, Leonard gave out the password to his screen that showed 268 sprites. The contest is over, but the coding goes on. |
 | 2004-12Panic by Paulo Simoes | 70 sprites This is not a 16x16 record screen at all, but we include it here anyways. It does show 70 sprites on screen via the 'unlimited sprites' trick, and the sprites are in three bitplanes. But that's not the main thing; this screen is fullscreen with a 15 kHz 8-voice module playing meanwhile. A real cool technical screen. |
 | 2005-02269 sprites by Scum Of The Earth | 269 sprites Post-contest number one. S.O.T.E. crushes Leonard with a whole new ball. The coding must go on. |
 | 2005-03Phantom screen 3 by Phantom | 270 sprites Another one-sprite increment, this time by Phantom. |
 | 2005-03Phantom screen 4 by Phantom | 271 sprites One more they said! |
 | 2005-03Phantom screen 5 by Phantom | 280 sprites Phantom goes out and beats himself. A good improvement of nine sprites. |
 | 2005-03312 Sprites Blast by Oxygene | 312 sprites Leonard is back. Phantom didn't get much time to enjoy his record. Leonard rises the bar a lot with 32 more sprites to the impossible 312! So far, nobody has been able to beat or match this one. |
 | 2015-04Industrially Safe 93 16x16 Sprites by Effect | 93 sprites This is a ten year tribute to Leonards record. It doesn't come near the record (or the original TCB version from 1989) but it does feature a nice remix of the SOS tune using PWM sound effects. |
To be continued ? |