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DHS.NU news article
Holiday releases December 31st, 2015
We've been a bit busy during the holidays, so here comes a quick overview of new stuff that has arrived.

First up is a new version of R-Type Deluxe by Bod and friends. This new version new features the full game to be played. Graphics conversion by Templeton and Unseen Menace and soundtrack conversion by Dma-Sc.

Next is a nice christmas demo by Excellence in Art and Acca. It comes in source form only, and needs to be assembled with the inlcuded rmac assembler. Rmac is an assembler with heritage from the early madmac days and is cross platform. Rmac is developed by Reboot. A good vasm alternative perhaps?

And finally, SH3 of the Reservoir Gods/Reboot released a new Jaguar demo called WIggle using the Raptor library and rB+. The demo is an invitation for Sommarhack 2016, and we'd like to thank SH3 a lot for creating it!

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