Welcome to archive thirteen of the NO FRAGMENTS series. You will find here a lot of pictures that I have collected during the years including a huge section with pixelgraphics from our beloved atari demosceners. It is possible to have a few dupes in here in some different picture formats. At first I decided to have only "one" version of a drawing on the CD but during the last years I changed my mind and allowed all formats esp. the original atari formats.
Like the last few discs this collection does not claim to be complete. It is "just" what I had found during the last years on my work on the NO FRAGMENTS series. There's not much more to say for now. Have fun with the archive. If there is some stuff missing or damaged, then please inform me or send me acurate versions and I will collect it for an update (if it ever will happen). Oh.. and bye the way this might be the last disc of this series. Let me say goodbye to all followers and atari friends. It is time to move on.