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DHS.NU news article
New ST/STe soundtracker released! April 14th, 2011
This doesn't exactly happen every day.

Paulo Simoes have released a new digitracker called Hextracker for the ST and STe. It features fast mixing routines and manages up to 16 (!) voices on a standard ST.

The program works on any ST or STe, but at least 1 MB recomended and on STe you get enhanced sound in stereo.

Paulo just released an update of the tracker to version 0.835a with the following fixes:
- Editor was improved (key mapping + new shorcuts + new feature keys);
- STE ouput was improved and speeded up;
- 60 Hz NTSC mode is now correctly handled;
- Above STE machines should now run this correctly;
- a few bugs have been corrected;

Update 2!
Anohter new version have been released (v0.837):
- Optimize speed of MOD data handling
- Pause feature
- Editor improvements part 3
- Protect application against file wrong loop data
- Improve Falcon compatibility for YM and Mono outputs

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