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DHS.NU news article
Quick Paracon report November 22nd, 2004
Paranoid of Paradox wrote a small after-part report on our bulletin, reproduced here with permission.

I just came home from cleaning up the location and packing everything up - Looks like all other fellows are still in transit. :-)

Personally, i enjoyed it a lot. The atmosphere was really great, many people were being productive, we had a look on new Atari ST games, saw some of Earx' and Ray's curent doings, had some nice breakfast and in the end, Paranoia returned to an active state! They may have stopped doing demos, but now they make movies instead.
More details to follow ...

To sum it up, i think it was a success, and from what people told us, they were enjoying it, too - which is the most important thing.

The Paranoid

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