Showing news from 2012-01-01 to 2012-12-31 Showing 40 articles
Paradox released their Sillyventure Falcon demo '2x1287' today.
It's a celebration of the Atari Falcon turning twenty years old. Yes, twenty, it's scary. You'll be treated with a great module remix of many classic Falcon demos during the show.
Paradox recommends RGB/TV for watching.
» Download at the Sillyventure 2012 download page » At VideoDB » At Pouet.Net
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Lotek Style:
Hello World!
Four years have passed after the last release of Fading Twilight. I did mention this for a long time but finally I did move my ass to finish off the FADING TWILIGHT DUAL LAYER DVD edition (no excerpts!). The last few month were full of pretty much work. Who really knows if the result is perfect but I think it’s an amazing effort for over 13 years of work. You should read my DIARY to get a slight feeling how much work I put into it.
Some Facts:
-The archive features over 11000 tunes in many different formats
-We feature over 360 musicians from all over the planet
-More than 200 tools for all the major platforms (Atari, Amiga, Windows, Mac, Linux)
-Nearly all modules size-optimised (That means I removed unused Samples and Instruments)
-A very nice ST 96k-tro in cooperation with Britelite and Bracket from RAVE NETWORK OVERSCAN (RNO)
» Visit the Fading Twilight page » At Pouet.Net
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Percy of Light has been busy porting the X68000 version of Galaga 88 to the Falcon.
The game plays nice and smooth as far as we've tested, but unfortunately seems to lack sound. Hopefully we can have an upgraded version with that sometime later?
» Download Galaga 88 for Falcon
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As many of you probably have noticed, Bod of Stax have been working for a while on an R-Type remake. The upgraded R-Type were to include STe improvements to graphics, speed and audio.
Today Bod released the first beta version of the game, to show that it's development is moving on nicely. Straight up from the title screen it's obvious that things have improved from the original ST game; Smooth sprites, high quality music playback.
The in-game is fluent and it's really what we would have wanted back in the day. So far the in-game music is missing, Bod is asking for musicians to help with re-arrangements of the tunes in Musicmon or maxYMiser. SID-voices no problem as long as they don't use Timer-B.
» Download R-Type Deluxe for STe
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With the craziness of productions arriving from Sillyventure, we've missed to mention a few them.
First up is a neat new music demo from Aggression featuring recent and new tunes by !Cube. The demo works on ST to Falcon 060 and is called 'Meet !Cube'. Music, code and font by !Cube himself and other graphics by Samurai.
Then we have a big STe demo by Cerebral Vortex called 'C++ Is Forbidden' with a lot of good graphics, catchy tunes and many effects. The demo goes on for a while with code/graphics by Orion_ and Templeton, the soundtracks are composed by Xyce.
Finally Paradize are back with a new game for the Falcon called 'Color Runner'. It's a puzzle game with colourful graphics and is mostly a one-man production by Cooper.
» Get all of them at the Sillyventure 2012 download page » Meet !Cube at Pouet.Net » C++ Is Forbidden at VideoDB » C++ Is Forbodden at Pouet.Net » Color Runner at Pouet.Net
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Thadoss of Dune released a brand new beat'em up game called 'Beats of Rage' for the Falcon at Sillyventure 2012.
It plays similar to Double Dragon, but with much smoother gameplay, bigger sprites and 8-channel audio. Spread over nine levels you'll meet up with thirteen enemies. The game is written from scratch in 68030 assembly and should work on any Falcon with 4MB or more.
2012-12-15: Game updated to v1.1
Bug fixed:
- 2 enemies had one attack that didn't generate hit points
- the joystick is now working
- the jump movement is not taken into account when the player
respawn (he was leaving the screen, and the game freezed)
New features:
- the border should be black instead of white (not verified)
- Better IA for the enemies: enemies walk to the player if they're too far
- inner game timer accelerated to have a more nervous game
- a new animation which gives a better arcade look to the game (I let you discover it)
» Download at the Sillyventure 2012 download page » At Pouet.Net
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Finally UFO is released, after years in the debugger, Dune and Sector One has once and for all got it done.
It was originally shown at (and won) the Numerica Artparty 2009 compo. After the party, the demo have only been seen on a lower quality video recording.
But now the demo is here, and why are we babbling, go get the demo and feed your STe!
» Download UFO for Atari STe » At VideoDB » At Pouet.Net
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CiH writes:
Mag! - Press release -
Live from the party hall at Sillyventure 2012. We are proud to announce the ill-advised arrival of our latest production. The Mag! Magazine. It's not quite Maggie, but has a strong aroma of it, thereabouts.
It is available in a universally portable 'pretend diskmag' HTML shell format. A 'Classic Maggie' styled ST menu shell version will be available shortly, as soon as Felice has straightened out a few kinks there.
Some of the articles will bring a nostalgic tear to your eye. As they missed their intended publication date for 2008, they certainly did to mine!
However, there is some pristine specially written new stuff in there too.
So read it and quietly enjoy!
CiH/Formerly of Maggie and Alive!
» Download at the Sillyventure 2012 download page
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A new ACE Tracker music demo is in the works by 505 and friends. The plan was to release it at Sillyventure 2012, but didn't quite make it in final form.
So we're treated with a preview of the forthcoming Modulation 4 for the Falcon. Coded by ggn, graphics by Nytrik and music of course by 505.
» Download at the Sillyventure 2012 download page » At Pouet.Net
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Atari party, Checkpoint release. It sort of goes hand-in-hand.
Here's a release from Sillyventure 2012 that is a bit different: A music demo with realtime decoding of streaming audio at 15 kHz on plain ST. Checkpoint claims it's the fastest Huffman/IDCT routines on 68000.
Apart from the streaming audio there are also intros and endtros with nice new chipziks by Checkpoints newest member Mr.Coke. New graphics and code (!) by returning member Modmate. Of course not to forget Defjam and lsl on code and 505 contributed with a chiptrack.
» Download at the Sillyventure 2012 download page » At VideoDB » At Pouet.Net
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GT Turbo writes:
Cerebral Vortex Software Development is happy to give you a 68000 routine for unpacking PNG pictures.
That's not a C portage but a full routine written from nothing with for only support, the only one webpage on Png format.
It can read, 1,2,4,8,16 bits by pixel, interlaced or not, Alpha or not. That's surely not the fastest one, but the smallest one.
Less than 5 kilobytes, and can be surely a core for doing a fast 060 version.
Hope that will be helpful for all 68000 users.
Everything here : http://cerebral-vortex.net/index.php?id=94
(Questions can be asked on Dbug forum in coding section too)
Azrael, GT Turbo and Zerosquare (C.V.S.D.)
» Download the PNG depacker code » Visit the CVSD page
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gwEm of the Psycho Hacking Force writes:
The end of last year was one of strange locations and instability for me. This lead to some strange and unstable music :) It was hard to know what to do with this weird batch of four tracks I made, but Evil/DHS knew exactly what to do - make a Falcon music disk!
The instrumental part was 100% produced on my STe in maxYMiser. With the vocal part I wanted to have a grime influence.. but then that turned into something else: Gwime.
Code: Evil/DHS
Photography: Amy Sayer
Music: gwEm/PHF
Enjoy the Falcon music disk, and if you like you can also download the tracks in high quality on my bandcamp page - see link below.
» Download Gwime as a Falcon music demo » Download MP3/FLAC/etc at Bandcamp » At Pouet.Net
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Psycho Hacking Force writes:
To compliment the recent SNDH 4.0 library we have released a sister program to SNDH-Editor.
Quartet-2-SNDH (first released at Outline 2012)
This makes the process of creating SNDH files from native Quartet files a doddle. Simply load in the 4V patterns and Voice-Set and Quartet-2-SNDH does the
Coded by Grazey & gwEM of the PHF with graphics by SH3.
» Download Quartet-2-SNDH » Visit the SNDH site
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SH3 writes:
The Atari Jaguar Europe Festival, "ejagfest", takes place on November 24th in
Duisburg, Germany.
ejagfest is an annual festival for all Jaguar and Lynx fans, developers and retailers. Open-minded fans of other video game systems are welcome, of course. If you who would like to play Jaguar, Lynx, VCS 2600, 5200, 7800 or a trusty homecomputer of the 80s, thisis the right place.
Retro games, homebrew announcements / presentations, prototypes believed to be lost and demos of all kinds can be experienced. Developers from all over Europe regularly take the opportunity to present their new developments on the festival, and sometimes even have exclusive items for sale. The official European championship in ?Checkered Flag? for the Lynx takes place each year and there are retro game retailers offering Jaguar, Lynx, ST and a variety of other retro game systems and games.
Highlights of ejagfest 2012:
Mr.Coke shows his Atari ST Demo "Yet Another 4KB Intro?, which was the winner of the Outline 2012 compo in October. He will also show some hand-selected demos and intros on his machine and tell us something about the atari scene.
Douglas Little of Black Scorpion Software has kindly allowed an exclusive showing of a playable version of the prototype 'Livewire' for the Jaguar. Shows his new Jaguar game 'Impulse X'. Hopefully ready and for sale.
Jagware shows and hopes to make available to collectors Kobayashi Maru Final CD for Jaguar CD, shows the latest builds of 'Rebooteroids' (playable), SCPCD's Jagtopus flash cart on display, CVSD's Ladybugged and Dance Dance Xirius Space Party latest versions.
CDI from the nexgam forum shoows and sells his 'Atari Jaguar Video 4 DVD Pack Projekt' which is a collection of Jaguar related vidoes and advertising. GroovyBee shows the 7800XM and several XM mandatory games, shows Jaguar - ST Star Raiders port and a new fully playable mystery game demonstration exclusive to ejagfest. Also, he hopes to have some homebrew hardware for 7800 and Jag if
projects can be finished in time.
OMF will be showing his infra red multibank 8 game switcher, filled with 8 homebrews to choose from.
* Checkered Flag European Championship (Atari Lynx)
* Community selected Cup (Jaguar, Lynx or ST)
16 32 bit Systems: Nick Harlow, offers used and new games for different Atari
Atari Shop NL: Sells Retro-Games and goodies for different systems.
This list is nowhere complete; every visitor who has something to show is welcome to. Please let us know in advance if possible!
» Visit the E-Jagfest page » Download a flyer for E-Jagfest 2012
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Grazey writes:
V4.0 (October 31, 2012)
121 new SNDH files (240 sub-tunes).
Well this has been in the works since Outline 2010. I've always wanted to add exotic digi-tracks to the archive.
One such format is Quartet which was used in both demos and commercial games.
So now it arrives, signalling SNDH library v4.
The accompanying SNDH's have a number of advantages over native Quartet files,
+ Each file has 3 built-in replayers for STFM, STE and Falcon respectively. The player will automatically default to superior sound quality.
+ SNDH allows for sub-tunes which drastically reduces filesizes.
+ Library 4.0 updates the SNDH file-format. Both default tune and sub-tune names are now catered for. (see the SNDH 2.1 fileformat page at our main site).
Thanks to gwEm and Evil for testing and fixes.
» Download the collection at the SNDH site » SNDH BBS/forum
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Grey writes:
Hello Atari World!
Yeah, impossible becomes possible - after the latest SV2k12 invitro for Falcon by Extream (and previously for ATARI STe by Paradox), it's time for another, 3rd invitation with 8-bit accent - enjoy the Atari 2600 invitro by Tjoppen, Jakub Husak & Grey.
It's already only a couple of weeks till the biggest international Atari-only party in Poland ! There's over 100 visitors willing to come, from such countries like Sweden, Finland, Germany, England, France, Czech & Poland. Due to planned amount of compo entries for each ATARI platforms (including remote ones), the competitions will be held within two days (Friday - GFX, MSX & Game, Saturday Intro, Demo & Wild).
For more infos about upcoming SV2k12 event in Poland (7th - 9th December, 2012) please check the official website:
Or get in touch with ppl coming from your country:
POLAND (Grey / Mystic Bytes) - greymsb(at)poczta.fm
FINLAND (Emphii / Extream) - mika.poikonen(at)wippies.fi
GERMANY (505 / Checkpoint & PDX) - 505(at)atari.org
ENGLAND (CiH / Maggie Team) - cih(at)atari.org
SWEDEN (PeP / SAK) - pep.fishmoose(at)gmail.com
FRANCE (Zerkman / Sector One) - francois.galea(at)cea.fr
CZECH (Jan Krupka) - krupkaj(at)centrum.cz
See You at SV2k12 !
» Download the invite for Atari VCS/2600 » At VideoDB » At Pouet.Net » Visit the Sillyventure site
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Grazey writes:
73 new/updated SNDH files (84 tunes).
With Outline on the horizon we bring you a long overdue SNDH pack.
Quite a varied with pack with some lovely new tunes including compositions by XIA, DMA-SC and 505.
We've also updated some files with missing sub tunes, thanks to Pavel Puchala for the info!
Finally, Grazey found he'd criminally missed some Chris Mad tunes from the Overdrive Demo way back in the 90's, this has been rectified!
Expect a rather different release next time!
Remember if you'd like to comment, give bugs or suggest a tune you would like, please feel free to post to our forum.
Grazey-PHF / Evil-DHS
» Download the collection at the SNDH site » SNDH BBS/forum
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Spiny writes (ripped from Facebook):
I made a little intro for Sundown 2012:
placed 4th out of 6 :) should run on any 1meg machine, might even run on 512, I haven't checked :D tune by Rhino, Gfx by me (spiny) Code also by me with help from many many people :) hope you like it, it's not much, but was fun to make.
» Download 'Sundown 2012' » Watch or download a recording at VideoDB » At Pouet.Net
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Havoc writes:
Outline 2012 is coming up! The party takes place in Eersel (near Eindhoven), Holland on October 5th-8th. Full details for the party, including the first two live music events, have been announced on http://www.outlinedemoparty.nl. To give you a quick impression, here's what we have to offer:
- 4 days of quality demoscene fun
- Well organised compos and performances, executed according to schedule
- Complimentary beds, breakfast and shuttle service
- Cheap food and drinks available 24h/day
- Quality in- and outdoor facilities
- Location within easy reach of multiple major airports
- No tl;dr marketing messages ;-)
If you want to order tickets, please follow instructions on http://outlinedemoparty.nl/en/Tickets, and register your intention to
attend the party at http://outlinedemoparty.nl/reg/applicants.
Looking forward to seeing you in Eersel!
» Visit the Outline website
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Grey writes:
"You can never step in the same river twice" - those words always run through my mind everytime I think about breaking this rule. After four editions of the Silly Venture event I've decided to do one more ! The love of lost days of youth, the love of ATARI machines and it's cool community... I don't want to hear anyone say "It's over now" ! Ladies and gentlemen, gentlemen and ladies... I am honoured to invite you to the 5th edition of the biggest and most successful Atari event of the last decade - SillyVenture 2k12 ! 100% Atari only spirit, countless competitions dedicated to all Atari platforms - starting with the mystical Atari 2600 machine, through to the XL/XE, Lynx, Portfolio, ST, TT, Falcon and Jaguar ! This year I would like to dedicate this event to the memory of Jack Tramiel, as well as 20th Anniversary of the latest (and greatest IMO) Atari Falcon machine.
SV2k12 is an unconventional event, where real life mixes with the coolest parts of our Atari adventure ! If you like beer, beautiful ladies, visions of many
Atari machines switched on... If you miss the mood of the golden days of the 80s & 90s - it's the right place to be ! Last year the SV party was visited by
over 100 atarians from all over Europe and over 60 compo-entries were shown !
So dear scene-friends - let's keep the dream alive ! You can also enter any competiotn remotely, even if you can't make it to the party itself. Send your
contribution, let's celebrate together the 40 years of Atari history !
The reports of the forthcoming event will be prepared by the biggest national TV station "TVP", as well as "POMORSKA TV", "Radio ESKA" and "CHIP" magazine.
Join us (personaly or virtualy) at SV2k12 !
For more info about the party please, visit the official SV2k12 web-site:
Special thanx to all PARADOX guys for the cool Jacktro - ATARI STe invitation for Silly Venture 2k12 ! The official tribute to Jack Tramiel and SV2k12 invite in one - who could imagine better connection !
» Download 'Jacktro' by Paradox » Watch or download a recording at VideoDB » At Pouet.Net » Visit the SIllyventure site
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The recently released music album "Screaming silently" from Proteque / DHS has been extended to a music demo on the Falcon.
Similar to the previous albums "Amanita" and "Smell of old electronics", "Screaming silently" offers a very simplistic player on the Falcon and it should work on any 14 MB 030 (or better) machine.
The track list is as follows:
1. Nocturnal Sins (05:12)
2. The last dance from an old man (07:04)
3. Mighty Struggles (05:50)
4. Careless Restrictions (07:49)
5. Missing Justifications (06:24)
6. The Price Of Moments (14:09)
7. Forgiveness Exposed (05:48)
» Download 'Screaming silently' for the Falcon (50 MB) » Visit Proteques site » At Pouet.Net
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Copied from the games webpage:
Elansar is a "Point & Click" like adventure game with high quality raytraced graphics.
I've been working on this game on my spare time since two years, making all the graphics, music, story and programming myself.
My goal is to release the game on old computers and video game consoles, including the Atari Falcon 030, the Atari Jaguar, and others to define. The game will be sold on CD for most of the platforms and in cartridge version for the Jaguar.
The game is available for preorders on Atari Falcon 030 !
» Visit the Elansar webpage to pre-order » Watch a Youtube clip from the game » Watch another Youtube clip from the game
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Cooper of Paradize has released a new game for the ST, STe and Falcon called 'Catch me if you can'.
Along with the game release is a lottery with the possibility to win a good condition Falcon computer! If you register the game for only five euros, you're in the Falcon lottery competition.
Good luck!
» More infos/video/screenshots at the official page
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Grey of Mystic Bytes writes:
Dear fellows of Atari scene !
I am so proud to announce, that "Antiques" demo from Dune/Sector One - the winning SV2k11 entry for Atari ST has been just released ! I have the honour to give You such a great Easter gift directly from french "hares" ! While I am here I would like to thank all ppl involved in this great project ! Your entry for SV2k11 was surely one of the biggest highlights !
Now it's time to present it to larger public :)
Enjoy this eaSTer gift from our french brothers !
Grey / Mystic Bytes, signed off...
» Download Antiques for Atari STe » Download or watch a recording at VideoDB » At Pouet.net
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From the readme:
No Name Coded by Crew Date
Menu code......................Zorro 2
Loader code....................Maartau/Zorro 2
Require configuration : Atari STF or STE computer with 1 Mo of memory.
Thanks to Brume, this compilation saw the day through to him !
A special thought for Andreas Wahlin (aka Perihelion/Warrior Munk) who left us much too soon...
To copy this disk : 2 faces - 82 pistes - 10 sectors
» Download NoExtra Volume #2 » At Pouet.Net » Youtube video
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