Buy/sell/swap Atari things BBS
Multi-sync, ST low-ST high etc |
Posted by: quackmore
I have access to a Mitsubishi monitor which will sync down to (and possible lower than) 15.7khz. I'm not sure the max., but I think it's beyond VGA. It has a swivel, normal-type monitor base, it's attractive, and I'll test it thoroughly before it's shipped.
Resolutions tested: ST-Low, ST-Medium, ST-High, all Falcon VGA modes, all Falcon RGB modes incl. overscan, 50hz, 60hz. It has monitor input and composite input. I THINK I've even seen it work with 640x400 or more Falcon true color non-interlaced VGA mode.
From my point of view this is free because I'm not asking to make any money on it. But I will need money for shipping and the type of packaging you want and possibly to get someone to delivery it because it's difficult for me to get around.
I haven't researched the issue of a LCD that can display all Atari modes, but I haven't seen any LCD for free.
I need to know fast! My addy is
duckman_079 <at> yahoo <dot> com
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