Buy/sell/swap Atari things BBS
Posted by: quackmore
I have 6 COMPUTE! Magazines from 1984 I'm selling as a set. They are SO weird and great to have, but I have to alleviate the bulk of my things. These were pretty main-stream and back when Atari was on most of the covers! Strange... Here are some of the titles:
"Special Games Issue - Now Including the IBM PC!" Wow, you can play games on a PC?!
"Report On IBM's PCjr"
"3-D Surface Plotting" Imagine trying to do something in 3-D back then :-P
"Shaping Sounds: Techniques to make more realistic music"
The advertisements are a lot of fun to thumb through! Also, these were published back in the days when there would be pages of source code listed. If you have an old machine or emulator, you can type up the programs and make changes etc without even being a programmer. I remember this was the most fun thing about my computers back in the early 1980's.
If you are interested, please send me an email to duckman_079 <at> yahoo <dot> com and I'll reply with a high rez picture of them. I only take PayPal by the way.
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