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Re: toodeloo
Posted by: Apleif Nov,24.2024-10:07 

Sorry for the long delay. I have finally gotten in touch with his sister and received permission to remaster and publish his music on all the major sites. You can find the first record on Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer et c, called Toodeloo - The Toodeloo Archives. More will come in time. :)

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Topic Posted by  Date 
toodeloo Apleif Feb,27.2023-21:51
  Re: toodeloo mikro Feb,28.2023-11:34
    Re: toodeloo Apleif Feb,28.2023-13:21
      Re: toodeloo evil Mar,09.2023-17:12
        Re: toodeloo Apleif Mar,15.2023-12:34
          Re: toodeloo Apleif Apr,27.2023-18:56
            Re: toodeloo MetalSnake Jun,18.2023-16:05
              Re: toodeloo Apleif Nov,24.2024-10:07

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